Via the ReEnergize webinar series on the Robin network Emerging Markets’ CEO Will Thurmond presented some new intel on trends in Renewable Diesel & Sustainable Aviation Fuels (#SAF), along with Jeff McDaniel from Velocys, and ReEnergize host Jim Kendrick.
In an article titled Flying The Low Carbon Skies on Sustainable Fuel,the American Chemical Society’s Chemical & Engineering News highlighted some key points and conclusions from Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study from a series of interviews with Will Thurmond, Author & CEO of Emerging Markets Online.
The Biofuels Digest reviewed the Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study, and provided the following summary:
“Dynamite! Hands-down, no contest, the best study of advanced biofuels ever authored. Essential Reading for any serious venture in the field.”
The Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study provides a growing number of case studies of companies that have dedicated joint venture partnerships for (upstream) feedstocks and (downstream) offtake agreements.
The Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study includes a comprehensive analysis of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) producers, and provides a forward looking set of forecasts for market growth, feedstock initiatives, technology deployment for renewable diesel & SAF from the year 2021 to 2030.
Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 provides detailed case studies and analysis of the key producers and developers participating in the development of more than 29 renewable diesel projects in the USA, 5 in Canada, 18 in Europe, 11 in Asia, and 2 in South America. The study also focuses on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) in detail, providing case studies of producers and the low-carbon feedstocks, technology pathways, partnerships, investors, and off-takers.
There’s nothing hotter right now than renewable diesel and SAF – what are the pathways, projects, who are the players, what are the business models, are there alternative feedstocks?