Via the ReEnergize webinar series on the Robin network Emerging Markets’ CEO Will Thurmond presented some new intel on trends in Renewable Diesel & Sustainable Aviation Fuels (#SAF), along with Jeff McDaniel from Velocys, and ReEnergize host Jim Kendrick.

Chemical & Engineering News Highlights Results from Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030
In an article titled Flying The Low Carbon Skies on Sustainable Fuel, the American Chemical Society’s Chemical & Engineering News highlighted some key points and conclusions from Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study from a series of interviews with Will Thurmond, Author & CEO of Emerging Markets Online.

The Biofuels Digest reviewed the Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study, and provided the following summary:
“Dynamite! Hands-down, no contest, the best study of advanced biofuels ever authored. Essential Reading for any serious venture in the field.”
– The Daily Digest

Emerging Markets Online Releases Key Study:
Renewable Diesel & SAF 2020, Vol 2
The Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study provides a growing number of case studies of companies that have dedicated joint venture partnerships for (upstream) feedstocks and (downstream) offtake agreements.
The Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 study includes a comprehensive analysis of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) producers, and provides a forward looking set of forecasts for market growth, feedstock initiatives, technology deployment for renewable diesel & SAF from the year 2021 to 2030.

Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030 provides detailed case studies and analysis of the key producers and developers participating in the development of more than 29 renewable diesel projects in the USA, 5 in Canada, 18 in Europe, 11 in Asia, and 2 in South America. The study also focuses on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) in detail, providing case studies of producers and the low-carbon feedstocks, technology pathways, partnerships, investors, and off-takers.

Article: Top Story Featured In Biofuels Digest,
Sep 8 2021
Big Changes in Renewable Diesel and Sustainable Aviation Fuels Feedstock Partnerships
by Will Thurmond, Author Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030

Article Published in Advanced Biofuels USA
Renewable Diesel & Sustainable Fuels Outlook to 2030,
by Will Thurmond, Author Renewable Diesel & SAF 2030, CEO Emerging Markets Online

Press Release
September 2021
Emerging Markets’ Study Finds Massive Growth in Low-Carbon, Circular Biorefineries and Feedstocks
Press Release
September 2021
Emerging Markets’ Study Finds Significant Growth in Renewable Diesel & SAF refineries with Low Carbon Feedstocks
Article Published in Biofuels Digest’s Top 10 Feature
There’s nothing hotter right now than renewable diesel and SAF – what are the pathways, projects, who are the players, what are the business models, are there alternative feedstocks?
Check out this slide guide from last week’s DigestConnect (July, 2021) where Will Thurmond, author of Renewable Diesel & Sustainable Aviation Fuels 2030 highlights the latest.

including article by Will Thurmond, author of RD & SAF 2030 author and President of Emerging Markets Online
Emerging Markets’ SAF & Renewable Diesel presentation featured in Biofuels Digest
Top 10 Slide Guides of 2021: Renewable Diesel and Sustainable Aviation summary by Will Thurmond, author of RD & SAF 2030 author and President of Emerging Markets Online
Press Release:
Next Generation Biodiesel Feedstocks are Winning in Low Carbon Fuel Markets
June, 2019
Article Published in Advanced Biofuels USA:
Diesel Decarbonization Brings Transformative Opportunities for Next-Generation Biodiesel Feedstocks
May, 2019- (pdf format)
Emerging Markets’ article published, and featured as top story in the Biofuels Digest:
Renewable Diesel is a Game Changer for Sustainable Aviation and Low Carbon Fuel Markets in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Southeast Asia
(original link) pdf format – April, 2019
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